I had a post topic all lined up for today, but it's going to wait a few days. Right now, I'm going to tell you how I really know that Spring has arrived.
I am a college student. So, my seasons are usually broken up by when my classes are and I trudge to them no matter the season. During the Spring and Summer it's hot outside, but I need a jacket inside because the rooms are so flipping cold. Winter comes around and it's freezing (relatively, I get cold easy) outside and the classrooms are somewhere in the fifth circle of Hell temperature-wise. See my body's confusion here?
So, the real question is: how do I really know when Spring is here?
For me, spring is here when my teachers decide that it's too pretty outside to have class is a room. Fortunately, my home on campus (the plant sciences building) has a wee amphitheater behind it.
Today was that day. We had class outside in the sunshine. Spring really is here.
When is Spring really here for you?
The wind. OMG the flipping wind! I no loner have a love for spring because of the 50 mph+ wind that blows around sand so fine that you and your house is coated in it...no matter what!